About Me

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why We Do What We Do

In the years since this business was conceived back in 2003, we've trained thousands of individuals in CPR and First Aid.  It can be tempting to let something we see and talk about so often become mundane, but we work hard to make sure that it doesn't.  When we bring a new instructor aboard, we don't go about it in the typical way.  First of all, our standards are extremely high, so when we want someone based on their observed character and work ethic, we approach them...not the other way around.  Second, we spend a lot of time finding ways to make classes inspiring, fun, and interactive...because, honestly, that's what sets us apart from everyone else that does what we do...and we value being different and better.  And, finally, when we hear a story about a save as a result of what we do, we make sure that our team of instructors...and especially the instructor that made it possible...share in that success along with us.  This is one such story...

In April 2015, late one evening, I received a Facebook message from a very skaken-up father that read in part:
"I took a class with Heartland Cpr at Kirkpatrick Bank in summer of 2013. Tonight I had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on my 15 month old son and it worked. I now want to get my father and mother in law plus my mom in a class. They watch him during the day. Let me tell you I am still shaken up. I've never had that happen. This is our first child and I almost hit our panic button. On the fourth backslap it came out. It was quinoa noodles he choked on. They were cut up into small pieces and he still choked on them."
As Brett unpacked this story, he had taken a class with us a couple of years prior at an employer he no longer worked for but who has become one of our favorite places to teach; for years, they have had us in to teach whatever employees they have that are willing to give up a Saturday afternoon to get trained in Heartsaver First Aid + CPR.  At the time, Brett wasn't even a father nor were he and his wife expecting, but he decided to take advantage of training that was paid for by his employer because you never know when it'll come in handy.  Soon after, the young family is expecting and eventually welcomes a son.  Fast forward a couple of years, Brett's 15 month old son choked before his eyes.  After initial panic, he remembered his training and responded with what he had learned there...and it worked perfectly.

Soon after counting his blessings, Brett reached out to thank us for teaching him what had saved his son this fateful evening.  He specifically remembered the impassioned instructor Jonetta, who taught him those skills.  Jonetta received many accolades in the five years she instructed for us because, if you were in one of her classes, you'd never guess that she had said those same things over and over that week...and the week before...and the week before that.  You'd probably feel as if you were the most important class she'd ever taught.  When Brett wanted to schedule a class for family members that keep his son, we were happy to make sure that Jonetta was on hand to be their instructor.  We took a picture to commemorate the reunion of Brett and Jonetta that day.

Something that we really stress to all our instructors is that the class they're teaching may be this person's only exposure to these skills in their lifetime, so make it count!  Make it memorable.  It's more than just a job for us.  It has the potential to save a life, so teach with passion.  Stories like Brett's are why we do what we do and can never, ever forget it. 

#heartsaver #hero #lifesaver #smallbusiness #cpr #aha

- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc

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