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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Are You Prepared For An Emergency?

As the seasons change, families find themselves spending more time outside.  Few put much thought into being prepared for emergencies before they happen, but doing so can save so much pain and suffering...and Heartland CPR makes it so easy to be the hero in any circumstance without a lot of time, effort and research on your part!

We took the time to seek out several good options for well-supplied first aid kits in a variety of sizes and then we even added some items that we consider non-negotiable items that aren't usually available in ready-made kits.  We stock kits ranging in size from mini, small, medium, large, to deluxe as well as a pet-specific first aid kit!  With a phone call, you can be prepared for anything from a hiking trip to supplying a small business the kits they need to be prepared.  Learn more about the contents of each and let us help you stay prepared for the unexpected.

#emergency preparedness #firstaidkits #smallbusiness #cpr #aha

- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc

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