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Monday, July 22, 2019

Updating Your Emergency Contact Card

If you're been in one of our classes over the past several years chances are you've met our instructor Whitney.  She is an absolute delight...so bubbly and approachable and downright hilarious.  She also has a past that includes doing some promo work for Poison Control, radio spots, and other public appearances because her personality is so perfect for this type of thing (not to mention that she was once a nationally ranked gymnast, but I'm getting offtrack...).

Whitney and our IT/Marketing pro Devin have been working together on a series of videos on common things that people can do to be better prepared in the event of an emergency.  The first of those videos has been posted and we'd love for you to share it on your social media channels to help others take these easy steps which could be a lifesaver in an actual emergency.

Find us on YouTube or click here:  https://youtu.be/gzG0ZNh-9Nk

Watch for more fun, informative videos to be released soon!

#emergency preparation #smallbusiness #cpr #aha

- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc

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