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Monday, July 31, 2017

Heartsaver Heroes

We at Heartland CPR teach a lot of people how to provide CPR and other related life-saving skills.  A large majority of our customers are nurses, EMTs, paramedics, and other medical professionals that no doubt use those skills on a regular basis.  In fact, the class that group takes is taught somewhat differently than the one for "lay rescuers" without a medical background.   For lay rescuers without a medical background, AHA's class is known as "Heartsaver" and there are several variations with mix-and-match modules depending on if the participant wants to also learn First Aid, etc.

Since this "Heartsaver" group is far less likely to get to put the skills they've learned to use, it's a real treat for us to hear from one of those customers who have used the skills to save a co-worker, friend or family member, or even a stranger.  We consider them our "Heartsaver Heroes" and we had the pleasure of recognizing a couple of them recently them during CPR Week.  You'll find blog entries with the individual stories of Brent Taulbee and Terry Taylor, who we are proud to have among our "Heartsaver Heroes".  Each received a pin and certificate for their willingness to act when the need arose; we are thrilled that they reached out to tell us their stories so we could celebrate their achievements with them.

Congrats to these two wonderful gentlemen and their families.  Family trees are forever changed as a result of their courage to act..that's something to be proud of!  

#heartsaver #hero #smallbusiness #cpr #aha

- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc

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