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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Attn: New Nursing Grads!

 We often get calls around graduation in May and December from new graduates who have just been pinned looking to "beef up" their resumes with the gold standard American Heart Association certification in ACLS and/or PALS.  We tell them how that works, the length, the cost, the other details...and then, many times, the next question is "But will I be in there with a bunch of doctors or nurses who've been doing this for 30 years?"

We hear you!  That situation can be intimidating so we've created a class just for those new grads who haven't really gotten experience in the field yet.  We'll spend additional time on rhythm recognition and drug administration as well as any other areas that need confidence-building among a limited admittance group made up only of peers who are all fresh out of Nursing School.  We even have discount policies with many of the nursing schools due to the volume of business we do with them, so there's a good chance your school is one of them and you'll get 10% off for a specially designed low-stress, slow and detailed class which gives you much-sought-after certification(s) to boost your resume right past your competitors!  

We've already chosen May dates for both ACLS and PALS, so it never hurts to start preparing early.  We're also just about the only training company around that offers all-inclusive, no-surprises-later pricing.  We boast of the absolute best instructors in the business due to their experience in Nursing and EMS, but also because they share our philosophy that people don't learn by being embarrassed or too nervous to focus (everyone has heard horror stories about these classes in the past where you didn't pass until you cried or wet your pants).  But seriously...

Does this sound like something that interests you?  Because of the nature of these classes, we don't have the ability to self-register on our website (otherwise anyone could), so if this sounds like something you'd like to explore, give us a call at 405-603-6666 or send us an email at contact@HeartlandCPR.com and ask about the "New Grad Only" classes we're offering.  We'll get you hooked up and provide your study material as soon as a deposit is made.  We even have rhythm recognition flash cards to help guide your pre-study if you need additional tools.  What do you have to loose?  We can tell you what you'll find...you'll find your confidence and rock right past the stack of resumes on the desk of your future employer!

#nursinggraduates #smallbusiness #cpr #aha #bls #acls #pals

- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc