Knowing the steps to perform CPR and actually having to give it quite another story. A fear that many bystanders share is performing CPR on someone that doesn’t require it. Due to the suddenness of the collapse, the rescuer is not 100% sure that the victim is actually in cardiac arrest. It is always better to preform CPR on someone who does not need it, than to not start CPR on a victim who does. When in doubt, start CPR!
When we are teaching CPR, the first step after checking the scene to make sure it is safe for the rescuer, is to check the victim for a response or breathing. Checking for signs of life is simple, begin taping firmly on the victim’s shoulders and in a loud voice ask, “Are you ok, are you ok?”. If there are no signs of life it is safe to assume that the victim needs CPR. A conscious person will react in some way, some of these are, they will attempt to blink, move, or have a facial expression. It’s important to remember that “gasping” is NOT breathing. Breathing means when the victim’s chest moves up and down rhythmically. As a first responder it is important to assess the victim. In the case of checking for signs of life in an infant you will need to tickle or tap the soles of the feet. If someone is nearby ask him or her to call 911 and ask for an AED (automated external defibrillator)! If you the rescuer are alone call 911, the easiest and best way is to put it on speakerphone and begin preforming CPR!
There are only three reasons to ever stop CPR once you have begun.
· Keep preforming CPR until further help arrives
· Victim wakes up
· You are too exhausted to continue
At Heartland CPR we are determined to spread the word on how to preform CPR. We offer the community free CPR class without AHA certification, so maybe one day you can save someone’s life. Please feel free to give us a call or shoot us any email if you like to join our scheduled free class or if you would like to join one our many AHA certification classes.
#handsonlycpr #aed #911 #smallbusiness #cpr #aha
- Chelsea Hixson
Heartland CPR, llc