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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

DNR “Do Not Resuscitate”

 DNR “Do Not Resuscitate”

“Do not resuscitate” or, attempt rescuscitation includes the administration or CPR or other life-saving measures are often the final wishes of individuals. . There are people that do not want CPR administered if they go into cardiac arrest. You may come across such a person.  This can be tricky situation for some because what do you do if the victim has medical identification jewelry or wallet cards stating that the victim doesn’t want CPR and a relative is asking you to “do something to save them!”  As a bystander, use your discretion of how you handle this situation; when working as a medical professional, there are guidelines and requirements that direct your actions.  In resent years EMSA and other emergency response agencies nationwide have been directed to preform CPR on the DNR victim unless they have the proper paperwork readily available to abide by the victims request. If you are unsure what to do, always call 911! 

#dnr #donotrescuscitate #smallbusiness #cpr #aha

- Chelsea Hixson
Heartland CPR, llc