If you could make one resolution that could change the course of your life...or someone else ...would you? Did you know that taking a CPR class has more potential to change the course of history than most anything else you can do with a few hours of your time? By saving the life of a loved one, friend, coworker, or even a stranger...maybe this year, perhaps next, could even be ten or more years from now...the impact is huge and lasting for those don't have to grieve the loss of a loved one, for that individual that gets a second chance at life, and because you were in the right place at the right time and knew what to do, acted without hesitating, you become a hero to so many.

We call them our Heartsaver Heroes. Ordinary people who do something extraordinary. During CPR Week, we will highlight a few or our customers that have done something extraordinary and then shared their stories with us. We hope you'll watch for those stories and join us in celebrating these wonderful stories and individuals.
#cprweek #heartsaver #hero #smallbusiness #cpr #aha
- Ginger Davis
Heartland CPR, llc
www. HeartlandCPR.com